FAQ Everything You Need to Know About myleo / dsc

Here you will find the most important questions and answers about our logistics platform and how you can quickly and easily roll it out in your company.


Your Digital Supply ChainERP and TMS Are Not Enough: Why a Yard Management System Pays Off for You

Benefits of a Yard Management System
Yard management systems optimise the transition between warehouse or site and transport by coordinating the movements of trucks, trailers and containers on the company premises.

End-2-end Processes for Greater Efficiency
This ensures that goods are efficiently transported to the road and ultimately to the customer. It’s about thinking about processes from start to finish, so that they are not just managed in an ERP world and later transferred to a TMS.

myleo / dsc
in Numbers

Our customers have achieved impressive results with myleo / dsc to date.

truck throughput times in the yard

loading efficiency with the same workforce

of amortisation time of our projects

FAQEverything You Need to Know if You Want to Work with Us

  • 1. What does myleo / dsc cost?

    Every project is unique and deserves a customised solution. That's why we can and would like to give you specific prices only after a personal discussion and a precise analysis of your requirements. Please contact us to find out more and receive a quote.

  • 2. How quickly can we be live?

    The duration of your onboarding to the platform depends on the solution components you require and your logistical process. The time to go live varies based on the processes and requirements, starting at around 3 months.

  • 3. From what size of company is it worth considering myleo / dsc?

    25 transports per day is a good starting point to consider myleo / dsc as a suitable and economical solution for you. But we are not small-minded. That's why we always have a detailed discussion at the start of the project to understand your current situation and find the best possible solution.

  • 4. What is the difference to a transport management system (TMS)?

    The importance of smart yard management for your company lies in taking a holistic view of processes and utilising resources efficiently. As a result, they are not only managed in an ERP system and later transferred to a TMS, but the optimisation of processes and logistics on your premises is also ensured. However, myleo / dsc also covers many transport-relevant process areas such as inbound and outbound management, transport allocation/tendering and the clarification of freight costs.

  • 5. What happens during an initial meeting and what follows?

    We rely on a clear and targeted project methodology - no nasty surprises and lots of transparency. That's why we are fans of scheduling the initial meeting without obligation. The only requirement: the courage to do a reality check. We don't plunge anyone into the deep end here, but it is important to us to challenge our customers a little in the initial meeting. Why? Our best practices show that this always results in the best ideas and process optimisations.

  • 6. Do I need to bring any special expertise to the meetings with you?

    You don't need any IT knowledge in advance. We will also give you a comprehensive overview of the structure and functionality of myleo / dsc so that you feel confident in using it step by step and can pass on your knowledge to your colleagues. This is important because YOU should end up working with the platform. This will enable you to make configurations yourself and act independently of us. In addition, we are always available to answer your questions. Whether it's about the general application, interfaces, architecture or IT security, our experts will get in touch with the relevant specialists and users.

  • 7. Why is myleo / dsc in the cloud?

    myleo / dsc is a cloud platform for yard and transport logistics. We utilise the - in our view - unbeatable advantage that the software can be used on almost all HTML-capable devices of the existing IT infrastructure, such as tablets and smartphones. All users automatically benefit immediately from all software benefits and are always up to date.

  • 8. Does myleo / dsc also provide hardware? If so, what kind?

    Yes, we offer our own hardware. Indoor and outdoor terminals, call pillars, licence plate recognition cameras or monitors/monitor technology come directly from myleo / dsc. For other hardware such as scales, we work together with suitable partners. Do you already have barriers on site? If not, we also have appropriate contacts that we are happy to put you in touch with. The combination of digital logistics platform and integrated hardware peripherals as a bundle from myleo / dsc enables a wide range of functions and options for automation that support the process participants within yard and factory logistics.

  • 9. Is it possible to integrate existing hardware?

    Yes, that is possible. We connect external hardware peripherals with our IoT service. The individual decision requires an assessment. In a joint requirements analysis, we determine whether we can also realise this for you. We can also adapt to existing technologies. For example, if you work with a KNX system to control gates, we can simply plug in.

  • 10. Is hardware absolutely necessary?

    The use of myleo / dsc also works completely without the integration of hardware. For this purpose, web apps are used, web applications that can be executed in any browser - i.e. also conveniently on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. The use of such apps makes the integration of terminals, scanners and printers obsolete and makes the process hardware-free. Only a mobile device is required.

  • 11. How do we achieve acceptance among employees and partners?

    We support customer projects throughout the entire life cycle of a myleo / dsc solution through targeted change management. Partners such as carriers are also brought on board and trained at an early stage. During the onboarding process, we make sure that everyone involved is trained: from the back office, gatekeepers and IT to the warehouse, all users should quickly feel comfortable with the software. We reinforce this with the train-the-trainer concept. In our experience, most users often quickly feel able to work with the software and recognise the benefits and added value. The different language versions are particularly well received by truck drivers. Language barriers are therefore not an issue.

  • 12. What happens after onboarding or go-live?

    We organise regular operational and strategic calls with you. This guarantees an exchange and feedback at all times and we can fine-tune things together. We are also available to answer questions at any time. Support and maintenance are guaranteed if required.

  • 13. Which technologies does myleo / dsc use?

    We use progressive web apps, AI models and IoT concepts in our cloud platform. In principle, we can integrate all systems that can be connected to our standard API.

  • 14. Does myleo / dsc support the eCMR procedure?

    myleo / dsc does, of course, provide the technical requirements for the digital consignment note. However, you must ensure legal certainty in the contractual modalities with all supply chain partners yourself. The application offers you all the necessary text modules and options you need for your digital consignment note.

  • 15. What are your reporting options?

    All data, such as timestamps of the respective activities and changes, are collected in real time in myleo / dsc and can be exported and analysed.

Success Stories​Stories That Make Us Proud

  • "With myleo / dsc, Villeroy & Boch was able to achieve a considerable increase in transparency with regard to transportation. This has led to more reliable logistics, increased customer satisfaction and a strengthening of competitiveness in the global market for bathroom fittings."
    Dr. Otmar Adam
    Senior Director SCM, Villeroy & Boch

    Learn more

  • "We immediately found ourselves in the solution portfolio of myleo / dsc. Short implementation times, fast results. That's what makes a good software today."
    Fabian Generotzky
    Factory Manager, Arvato Supply Chain Solutions

    Learn more

  • "The ingenious integration of time window management and warehouse management based on geofences in particular brings very important advantages for us."
    Michael Jansen
    Head of SAP Standard Application, Nordzucker AG

    Learn more

  • "We were able to complete the project in record time, everything went better than average - this is not a matter of course in IT projects and was mainly due to the very good project management and the great support from the home24 team."
    Jens Kraska
    Strategic Technical Officer, home24

    Learn more

ONBOARDING PROCESS​How to Get Started with myleo / dsc in Just a Few Weeks

Step 1Initial Talk​

Get in touch with us using the form and discuss with Nora in an initial meeting whether we can cover your logistical challenges with our platform.

Step 2Workshops

Michael and his team will analyse your processes in a workshop and work with you to determine how we can best map and optimise them.

Step 3Onboarding​

Once everything has been sorted out, Bene and his team will visit you, configure the myleo / dsc for your needs and train your team and your carriers.

Step 4Support​

After onboarding, we really get going! Rim and her colleagues will help you realise the full potential of myleo / dsc.

Your ContactWant to find out more?

Vice President Customer ManagementMichael Rölli

Would you like to solve your logistics challenges in a simple, flexible and innovative way? We would be happy to support you in bringing your processes into the digital future. I look forward to hearing from you!