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Foolproof adjustments - dynamic time window length calculation with Blockly

Robert Ibisch

Spontaneous adjustments of time slot extensions for loading and unloading are commonplace for most of our customers. We recommend that settings of this kind be dynamized and thus give the department the sovereignty over central elements of the configuration. Don´t worry, no complex codes are necessary here: the time slot length calculation in myleo / slot can be operated intuitively by using the graphical user interface and simple drag & drop operations.

Of course, more complex formulas can also be set, for example using "if-then" links. Read more about this soon in the myleo / dsc News!

Would you like to be able to set the calculation of your time slot lengths yourself in the future and thus reduce the administrative effort? Would you like to minimize the risk of losing important information due to the "silent mail" game from shipper to business department to IT department? Please contact us!

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